Banking in the dark

Leveraging Figma's powerful variable collections feature to create a banking app with an WCAG compliant dark mode

demo it!

mockups of banking app in light & dark mode
Our research indicated that user don't have a preference between daytime & darkmode when they're depositing fat checks.


The summer of 2023 belonged to Figma. Although the news of "no-path forward" to their impending buy-out by Adobe probably grabbed more headlines, it was a the slew of new features that dominanted the product landscape.

One of those features are variable collections, which I was able to use in creating a banking app with both a lightmode & darkmode.


The primary challenge was using BankOnit's existing brand guidelines to create a darkmode palette that meets WCAG accessibility standards.

Call it a challenge or an opportunity, I would also be using Figma's new variable collections feature. As with all tools there is something of a learning curve to get the most out of the variable collections feature. It was of the utmost importance that its used with a keen grasp of atomic design principles in mind.


Using existing user flows & design patterns, create a branded banking portal, for both light & dark modes that is compliant with best practices for visual accessibility based on WCAG standards.

dark and light mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app

Design Process

With an existing brand identity, content hierarchies & established design patterns, my role in this project was prescribed to creating high a fidelity prototype & with both light & dark* modes across all screens.
(*with the exception of the screen loading animation & login).

I first created a "dark mode" palette using the brand color guidelines & and applying standards derived from Google's Material Design. Once these standards were in place, I began wireframing. One challenge I encountered was just how granular the naming conventions can get, when setting up a design system using variable collections.  

Dark Mode signified by magenta squares & Light Mode by green circles


I created these screens based on the goals that were laid out. Below are wireframe examples of the work that I did on the project.

light mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app
light mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app
light mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app
light mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app
dark mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app
mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app
dark mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app
dark mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app
dark mode phone screens for the BankOnit Banking app

For a closer look at this prototype...